Best Food for Knee Pain

- Dr. L Bharath

Best Food for Knee Pain

As we advance in our lives, we have to face multiple health-related issues, such as knee or back pain due to injury, lack of exercise, incorrect posture or sudden jerk. Choosing the best food for knee pain plays an exceptional role.



The list of proven efficient best food for knee joint pain include 1.Vegetable 2. Juicy Fruit 3. Pulse 4. Whole Grain 5. Spice 6. Nuts and Seed 7. Fatty Fish and Extra Virgin Olive Oil 8. Green or Herbal Tea



List of best food for knee pain

Cauliflower, broccoli, spinach and cabbage should be included in everyone’s diet plan.  These contain antioxidants like Vitamins A, C and K are known to relieve inflammation. Carrots, beets and pumpkins contain beta carotene in maintaining your body’s overall health.



Leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables 

Intake of juicy fruits 

Juicy Fruits like apples, tomatoes, berries, cherries, grapes, pineapple and citrus fruits are composed of flavonoids and antioxidants to ease inflammation caused by knee pain.  Consume fruit’s skin to derive maximum benefits as they prevent ligament cells from perennial damage. 



Why pulses for knee pain? 

Pulses have a rich source of protein, fibers, minerals and flavonoids.  They strengthen the body with their  anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties in reducing the knee and back pain to a huge extent and also heals the tissues much faster.



Whole Grains – An essential food

It is vital to avoid refined grains (white rice and white flour) because they are devoid of essential fibres and nutrition.  Whole grains like brown rice, millet, wheat, barley, quinoa, and oats, are rich in minerals and fibres reducing knee pain.



Medicinal properties of spice

Turmeric which contains the compound curcumin, is an effective cure for any joint-related pains.  Ginger and garlic are the best food for knees as it can cure severe arthritis or joint pains with the anti-inflammatory properties.



Vital food for  knee pain  

The vital source for knee pain is Omega-3 fatty acids such as raw nuts and seeds (walnuts, almonds, chia seeds and flax seeds). Regular intake of these nuts say handful per day can reduce inflammation and repairs the aggravated tissues. 



Contact details:

The Most Trusted Knee Replacement Surgeon

- Dr. L Bharath

Sri Singhvi Health Centre TVH Lumbini Square # 127, Bricklin Road, Purasaiwalkam,

+91 044-2641 6755, +91 044-2641 6766