Best Ortho Specialist in Chennai 

Orthopaedic Doctor, Common Reasons for Visiting an Ortho Specialist and procedures.


In recent days Best Ortho Specialist in Chennai, it can be a crucial task to know who to trust when you need the best medical care.

Who is an Orthopaedic Doctor? 

They are medical specialists who treat conditions and injuries related to the musculoskeletal system using various techniques like medication and physical. 

Common Reasons for Visiting an Ortho Specialist: 

If you are experiencing a noticeable decrease in the range of motion. 

If you can’t walk without discomfort or pain. If you have moderate or advanced arthritis of the hip or knee. If you have progressive knee or hip pain that worsens upon standing.

What Conditions Does an Ortho Specialist Treat? 


Torn or broken (ruptured) ligaments .


Torn or broken tendons.


Hip or spine fractures from osteoporosis. 

What Can You Expect? 

When you need a rapid and accurate orthopaedic diagnosis, the best orthopaedic specialist in Chennai will recommend a physical exam to assess your condition. 

What types of procedures do they do? 

Burst with Arrow

Ortho specialists suggest various medicines and strategies for the circumstances they handle. How about we investigate some of them in more detail beneath.

Nonsurgical treatments:

These kinds of medicines are likewise called moderate medicines. Muscular specialists will frequently zero in on nonsurgical medicines.

Contact details:

Sri Singhvi Health Centre TVH Lumbini Square # 127, Bricklin Road, Purasaiwalkam,

+91 044-2641 6755