Avoid high-impact exercises like running and deep squats to prevent worsening knee pain and discomfort.
Hard surfaces strain knee joints. Switch to softer surfaces like grass or treadmill. Opt for walking.
Deep squats add knee pressure. Use half squats for safety. Protect knee cartilage.
Lunges create uneven knee stress. Modify or replace with safer exercises. Prioritize stability.
Jumping increases knee strain. Replace jumps with step-ups. Choose low-impact cardio options.
Heavy leg presses overload knees. Use resistance bands instead. Prioritize proper form.
Full extensions stress knee ligaments. Opt for partial motions. Strengthen quads carefully.
Stair climbers stress tendons. Choose flat walking or elliptical. Reduce knee strain.
Avoid harmful exercises to prevent knee pain. Focus on low-impact alternatives. Maintain mobility.