Fracture Treatment

- Dr. L Bharath

Fracture Treatment:

If you are looking for Fracture Treatment in Chennai, Bharath Orthopaedics provides all types of fracture treatment from sports injury to displaced bone fracture.  Our specialists establish the most satisfying patient-doctor relationships to bring out faster recovery.  We treat from simple fractures to complex spinal injuries, from newborns to older people.



Fractures are broken bones. There is not much difference between a fracture and a break. Both are used as two different terms for the same condition.  Fracture Treatment or Fracture Care is creating an environment by which the broken or fractured bone can heal itself using different ways but certain fractures require treatment when the injury is severe.



What does Fracture Treatment mean?

> Pain Management > Non-Surgical immobilization. > POP or lightweight POP application. > Fracture reduction. > Internal or external fixation. > Physiotherapy.



Treatment Procedures:

When Do you require Fracture Treatment?

1. Anyone who breaks their bones from falls, car or automobile accidents, or sports injuries requires fracture treatment. 2. Older people with weaker bones have a great risk of falling. 3. Adults or children with underlying illness or conditions. 4. Medical conditions called osteoporosis treatment also play a major role.



What are the Complications from Fractures?

On the off chance that treatment for a crack is postponed, there can be bone passing, likewise called connective corruption.  This occurs as the bone doesn’t get its necessary blood supply.  Another chance is bone marrow contamination, additionally called osteomyelitis.



Benefits of Fracture Treatment in Chennai:

1.Faster recovery. 2.Ability to restore to ordinary life.



Types of Bone Fractures:

Avulsion fracture: If the ligament or tendon pulls part of the bone off. Closed, or open fractures: Closed fracture is that if the injury breaks open the skin, and if the skin does open it is an open or compound fracture. 



Comminuted fracture: The bone gets shattered into several pieces. Complete fractures: If the breakthrough the bone completely separates into two. Compression (crush) fracture: The bone gets shattered or crushed. Displaced fractures: There would be a gap formed when the bone breaks and it can be mostly fixed by surgery.



Greenstick fracture: when the bone partly fractures causing a bend but it does not break completely. Children who have softer bones with more elasticity often undergo treatment for this type of fracture. Hairline fracture: the fracture of the bone is partial, and it’s hard to detect using routine x-rays. Impacted fracture: One fragment of a bone gets driven together or goes into another when the bone is fractured. Intraarticular fracture: The break extends into the surface of the joint.



Longitudinal fracture: The break is along with the bone’s length. Oblique fracture: The break is diagonal across the bone or to a bone’s long axis. Partial fractures: The break or fracture doesn’t go all the way through the bone. Pathological fracture: The bone gets weakened due to pathological conditions like underlying disease or condition and results in a fracture. Spiral fracture: The fracture spirals or twists around the bone.



Stress fracture: The bone breaks through repeated stresses or it gets cracked in and most of the time gets tough to image. It is more common among athletes or sportspersons. Torus (buckle) fracture: It is painful where the bone gets deformed, but it does not crack. It occurs mostly among children. Transverse fracture: The break has a straight break or in is a straight line across the bone.



Operation Procedure for Bone Fractures:

Closed or simple fractures – the two ends of the broken bone are lined up and held in place.  The limb is thoroughly bandaged, then the wet plaster is applied.  Sometimes, once the plaster is dry, the cast is split into two and the two halves are re-bandaged on the outside.  This allows for any swelling that may occur



Open or compound fractures – these are thoroughly cleaned in the operating room to remove debris before being set, because a broken bone exposed to the open air may become infected Long bones – long bones such as the bone of the thigh (femur) are difficult to keep aligned. In adults these are often treated by internal nailing. A child may need traction for a couple of days before setting the bone in a cast. 



1.Severe pain. 2.Swelling. 3.Redness. 4.Difficulty to use the limbs. 5.Deformity. 6.Causes of Bone Fractures



Symptoms and Signs of Fractures :

Horrendous occurrences like brandishing wounds, vehicle mishaps and falls. Conditions, for example, osteoporosis treatment and a sorts of malignant growth that influence unresolved issues all the more effectively, importance even minor injury and falls can become serious. 



Causes of bone fractures can include:

Contact details:

The Most Trusted Knee Replacement Surgeon

- Dr. L Bharath

Sri Singhvi Health Centre TVH Lumbini Square # 127, Bricklin Road, Purasaiwalkam,

+91 044-2641 6755, +91 044-2641 6766