It can be solved with some physical therapy. If it is not effective, you have to undergo surgical solutions like joint replacement and joint reconstruction surgery.
At the same time, it is essential to maintain your weight and manage muscle tone for a healthy body and rapid recovery. If your muscles atrophy, it can cause more pressure on joints.
Knee multi-ligament reconstruction.
Cartilage transplant.
Deformity correction.
Patella realignment.
Joint Replacement:
Joint Replacement is necessary for a patient with a degenerative disease, traumatic injury or late-stage osteoarthritis. It is usually recommended for patients only.
The possible complications of joint reconstruction surgery are wound infection, infection around the prosthesis, malfunction of the prosthesis.
Contact details:
Sri Singhvi Health Centre TVH Lumbini Square # 127, Bricklin Road, Purasaiwalkam,
+91 044-2641 6755