Physiotherapy for Knee Pain

- Dr. L Bharath

Physiotherapy for knee pain

The physiotherapy done under the guidance of a physical therapist for knee pain improves the knee function and reduces knee pain for a long haul by strengthening the muscles, improving the balance and increasing the range of motion in the knee.



The most successful option to overcome the pain in the knee is knee physiotherapy and these are the most effective exercises to treat the knee pain in several ways. – Straight leg raise – Prone straight leg raise – Wall squat – Bridge exercise – Step-up



Physiotherapy for Knee Pain

Straight leg raises improves the strength in your quadriceps supporting the knee health and reducing the knee pain gradually.  Lie on your back on a yoga mat, bend one of the knees and keep that same foot anchored to the floor.



Straight leg raise

Guidance for straight leg raise

Ensure to keep the pelvis still using the abdominal muscles.  Your physical therapist or orthopedist may recommend several repetitions for each leg while performing this knee physiotherapy exercise to overcome pain or discomfort for the knee.



Prone straight leg raise

Prone straight leg raises has to be done by rolling over onto your stomach keeping the legs straight.  Squeeze the glutes and lift one leg up towards the ceiling and hold this position for about 3-5 seconds then switch sides.



Wall squats for knee pain

To do wall squats for knee pain, either use an exercise ball or just a wall.  During an appointment with the physical therapist, he/she may show you how to do it either way so it's easier to perform anywhere at home.



Instructions for wall squats 

Stand with your back against a wall using the feet about shoulder-width.  Bend the knees slowly into a seated position at a 90-degree angle by keeping the entire back pressed firmly against the wall.  Hold this position for about 5-10 seconds.



How to perform Bridge exercise

Lie on the floor by bending both of the knees and by keeping the feet about a hip-width apart for doing this physiotherapy for knee pain.  Try to engage the glutes to lift hips high as much as possible creating a bridge.   



Contact details:

The Most Trusted Knee Replacement Surgeon

- Dr. L Bharath

Sri Singhvi Health Centre TVH Lumbini Square # 127, Bricklin Road, Purasaiwalkam,

+91 044-2641 6755, +91 044-2641 6766