Best knee replacement surgery in Chennai

Top knee replacement surgery in Chennai offers advanced techniques, skilled surgeons, and excellent post-operative care.

When considering the best knee replacement surgery in Chennai, it’s essential to look at the city’s top-tier medical facilities and renowned specialists. Chennai, known for its medical excellence, offers advanced surgical techniques and compassionate care through its leading orthopedic surgeons. This blog highlights why Chennai is the ideal destination for knee replacement surgery.

Why Choose Bharath Orthopaedics for Knee Replacement Surgery?

Bharath Orthopaedics is distinguished for its excellence in knee replacement surgery, led by Dr. L. Bharath, a renowned specialist in Chennai. Here’s why it’s a preferred choice:
1. Expertise: Dr. L. Bharath is highly experienced, having performed over 8000 successful knee replacement surgeries.
2. Advanced Techniques: The clinic utilizes state-of-the-art technology and advanced surgical techniques, including minimally invasive procedures for faster recovery.
3. Personalized Care: Each patient receives individualized treatment plans tailored to their specific needs and conditions.
4. Comprehensive Rehabilitation: Emphasis on post-operative care and rehabilitation ensures optimal recovery and long-term success.
5. Patient-Centric Approach: Known for compassionate care and clear communication, ensuring patients feel informed and supported throughout their journey.
Choosing Bharath Orthopaedics means choosing expertise, innovation, and dedicated care for knee replacement surgery in Chennai.

knee replacement surgery in chennai | Bharath Orthopaedics

Risk Factors of Knee Injuries

The different factors that can cause the risk of a knee injury may be because:

  • Age – Elderly people are at high risk of getting knee injuries as it can be due to falls and diseases like treatment for osteoporosis.
  • Sports – High-impact sports like running, cycling, soccer, basketball, football, and others can increase the risk of knee pain or injury and if it worsens, the best knee replacement surgery in Chennai is recommended to resume normal activities.
  • Disease – Arthritis, osteoporosis, gout, or degenerative joint disease can cause knee injuries such as bursitis.
  • Gender – Women are most susceptible to patellar injuries and ACLs due to their anatomy.
  • Weight – Excess weight adds additional strain on low extremity joint replacement surgery and also creates a greater risk of a knee injury.
  • Overuse – If you are overusing or overstraining your knee besides training incorrectly, during sports and other activities, there is an increased risk of a knee injury which can lead to the best knee replacement surgery in Chennai.

Benefits of Knee Replacement Surgery 

Knee replacement surgery offers several benefits:

  1. Pain Relief: Alleviates chronic knee pain, enhancing quality of life.
  2. Improved Mobility: Restores joint function, allowing better movement and flexibility.
  3. Enhanced Quality of Life: Enables participation in activities previously limited by knee pain.
  4. Long-term Durability: Modern implants are designed to last for many years.
  5. Correction of Deformities: Addresses knee deformities caused by arthritis or injury.
  6. Reduced Medication Dependency: Minimizes reliance on pain medications.
  7. Quick Recovery: Advanced surgical techniques facilitate faster recovery times.
  8. Increased Independence: Restores independence in daily activities and reduces assistance needs.
  9. Better Sleep: Reduction in pain often leads to improved sleep patterns.
  10. Overall Health Improvement: Supports overall physical and mental well-being through increased activity levels.

Knee Replacement Surgical Procedure

A knee replacement surgical procedure, also known as knee arthroplasty, involves several key steps:

  • Preparation: The patient is prepared for surgery, including anesthesia administration for comfort and pain management.
  • Incision: A surgical incision is made to access the knee joint, typically on the front or side of the knee.
  • Reshaping: Damaged bone and cartilage are removed from the knee joint surfaces.
  • Implant Placement: Artificial implants made of metal alloys, high-grade plastics, or ceramics are secured to recreate the joint surfaces.
  • Closure: The incision is closed with sutures or staples, and a sterile dressing is applied.
  • Recovery: Post-operative care includes pain management, physical therapy, and gradual mobilization to regain knee function.

Knee replacement surgery aims to relieve pain, restore mobility, and improve quality of life for patients with severe arthritis or joint damage.

Treatments for Knee Injuries

Treatments for knee injuries vary depending on the type and severity of the injury. Common treatments include:

  • Rest and Ice: Initial management to reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • Medications: Pain relievers and anti-inflammatories to manage symptoms.
  • Physical Therapy: Exercises to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility around the knee.
  • Bracing or Splinting: Provides support and stability to the knee joint.
  • Injections: Corticosteroids or hyaluronic acid injections to reduce inflammation or provide lubrication.
  • Surgery: For more severe injuries like torn ligaments (e.g., ACL or meniscus tears) or fractures.
  • RICE Protocol: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation to manage acute injuries.
  • Regenerative Medicine: Techniques like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy or stem cell injections to promote healing in certain cases.

The appropriate treatment plan depends on the specific diagnosis and individual patient needs, aiming to restore function and reduce pain in the knee joint.

TKR (Total Knee Replacement)

Total Knee Replacement (TKR), also known as total knee arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to relieve pain and restore function in severely damaged knee joints. Here’s an overview of TKR:

  1. Indications: TKR is recommended for individuals with advanced osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or other conditions causing significant knee joint deterioration.
  2. Procedure: During TKR, the surgeon removes damaged bone and cartilage from the knee joint and replaces it with artificial components made of metal alloys, high-grade plastics, or ceramics.
  3. Components: The procedure involves placing an implant on the end of the femur (thigh bone), tibia (shin bone), and sometimes the patella (kneecap) to recreate the joint surfaces.
  4. Recovery: Post-operatively, patients undergo physical therapy to regain strength and mobility in the knee. Pain management and monitoring for complications like infection or blood clots are also integral to recovery.
  5. Benefits: TKR aims to reduce pain, improve knee function, and enhance quality of life by restoring mobility and enabling patients to resume daily activities with less discomfort.

TKR is a well-established procedure with high success rates in providing long-term relief and improved knee function for those suffering from severe knee joint problems.

Read also: Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment in Chennai

Knee Replacement Cost in Chennai

The  knee replacement surgery cost in Chennai varies based on factors such as the hospital, surgeon’s expertise, type of implant, and the patient’s overall health condition. This estimate typically includes pre-surgery consultations, the surgical procedure, hospital stay, and post-operative care. Premium hospitals with advanced facilities may charge more. It’s advisable to check with specific hospitals for detailed cost breakdowns and to consider insurance coverage, which can significantly reduce out-of-pocket expenses.

knee replacement surgery in chennai | Bharath Orthopaedics

Symptoms of knee pain

Knee pain can manifest in various ways, indicating different underlying issues. Here are common symptoms associated with knee replacement treatment in chennai  :

  • Swelling and Stiffness: Noticeable swelling around the knee joint replacement, often accompanied by stiffness, making it difficult to bend or straighten the knee.
  • Redness and Warmth: The affected area may appear red and feel warm to the touch, indicating inflammation or infection.
  • Weakness or Instability: Feeling of weakness in the knee or a sense that the knee might give out while standing, walking, or bearing weight.
  • Popping or Crunching Noises: Audible sounds like popping, clicking, or crunching when moving the knee, which may suggest cartilage damage or joint degeneration.
  • Inability to Fully Extend: Difficulty in fully straightening the knee or achieving a full range of motion.
  • Pain While Walking or Bending: Discomfort or pain during activities such as walking, climbing stairs, or bending the knee.

Best Knee Replacement in Chennai

Dr. L. Bharath has been at the forefront of innovating smart knee replacement techniques aimed at guaranteeing painless procedures, accelerated recovery, rapid rehabilitation, and reduced post-surgery infection risk. Their team of dedicated and highly qualified orthopaedic surgeons, nurses, and staff is committed to providing the best possible care to their patients, from the intake to bedside manner to post-operative care. Dr. L. Bharath is the best for Knee Replacement in Chennai.

  • Available Time: Mon-Sat 9 am to 8 pm | Sun – 10 am to 3 pm
  • Address: Sri Singhvi Health Centre “TVH Lumbini Square” # 127, Bricklin Road, Purasaiwalkam, Chennai-600 007.
Dr. L. Bharath

Read also knee replacement surgeon in Chennai.

Knee Replacement Treatment

Knee replacement treatment involves a comprehensive approach:

  1. Diagnosis and Evaluation: Initial assessment to determine the extent of knee damage through imaging and clinical evaluation.
  2. Preparation: Pre-surgery consultations, medical optimization, and patient education on the procedure and recovery.
  3. Surgical Procedure: Surgeon removes damaged knee joint components and implants artificial parts made of durable materials.
  4. Postoperative Care: Rehabilitation starts immediately to regain knee function and strength.
  5. Pain Management: Utilization of medications and techniques to manage post-surgical pain effectively.
  6. Follow-up: Regular monitoring to assess healing progress and address any complications.
  7. Lifestyle Adjustments: Guidance on activities to avoid and techniques to maintain knee health.
  8. Long-term Monitoring: Periodic evaluations to ensure the knee replacement continues to function well.
  9. Patient Education: Empowering patients with information on recovery milestones and expectations.
  10. Supportive Care: Access to physiotherapy and occupational therapy to optimize recovery and function.

What are the complications of having a knee replacement?

Knee replacement surgery can lead to complications such as infection, blood clots, implant loosening, joint instability, nerve or blood vessel damage, stiffness, or ongoing pain. Rarely, patients may experience allergic reactions or persistent discomfort. Adherence to post-surgery guidelines and regular follow-up care can help mitigate these risks.

Can you tell me what will happen during the surgery?

During knee surgery, the patient is given anesthesia to prevent pain and remains unconscious. The surgeon makes an incision in the knee and repairs or replaces the damaged tissues or components of the knee joint, such as cartilage, ligaments, and bones. The surgery may last a few hours, and after the procedure, the patient may need physical therapy to regain full mobility.

What kind of an implant will be used?

The specific type of implant used depends on the medical or technological context. Medical implants can range from pacemakers and joint replacements to cochlear implants, while technological implants may include neural interfaces or RFID chips. The choice of implant is determined by the intended application and individual patient or user requirements.

What are the types of knee replacement?

There are several types of knee replacement procedures, including:

1. Total Knee Replacement (TKR): Replaces the entire knee joint.

2. Partial Knee Replacement (PKR): Replaces only one part of the knee joint.

3. Revision Knee Replacement: Corrects or replaces a previous knee replacement.

4. Bilateral Knee Replacement: Replaces both knees in a single operation.

5. Custom Knee Replacement: Tailored to an individual’s unique anatomy.

What are the causes of knee pain?

Knee pain can stem from various conditions and factors:
1. Osteoarthritis: Degenerative wear-and-tear of joint cartilage.
2. Rheumatoid Arthritis: Autoimmune disease affecting joint linings.
3. Injuries: Such as ligament tears (e.g., ACL), meniscus tears, or fractures.
4. Overuse: Repetitive strain injuries from activities like running or jumping.
5. Bursitis: Inflammation of fluid-filled sacs around the knee.
6. Tendonitis: Inflammation of tendons connecting muscles to bones.
7. Gout: Buildup of uric acid crystals in the joint.
8. Meniscal Tears: Tearing of the cartilage cushioning the knee joint.
9. Patellar Tendinitis: Inflammation of the tendon linking the kneecap to the shinbone, known as patellar tendinitis.
10. Obesity: Excess weight putting strain on knee joints.

When should you consider knee replacement surgery?

Knee replacement surgery should be considered when conservative treatments no longer provide adequate relief from pain and functional limitations due to severe arthritis or joint damage. Here are common indications for considering knee replacement:
1. Persistent Pain: Severe and persistent knee pain that limits daily activities and affects quality of life despite medication and other treatments.
2. Joint Stiffness: Significant stiffness in the knee joint that restricts movement and flexibility.
3. Bone-on-Bone Arthritis: Advanced osteoarthritis where there is significant loss of cartilage, resulting in bone rubbing against bone.
4. Failure of Conservative Treatments: When other treatments such as medications, injections, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications no longer provide sufficient relief.
5. Impact on Daily Life: Difficulty walking, climbing stairs, getting in and out of chairs, and performing routine activities due to knee pain and stiffness.
6. Progressive Deformity: Noticeable deformity or instability in the knee joint, such as bowing or outward turning of the knee.
7. Age and Health Status: Generally, knee replacement surgery is considered for individuals over 50 years old who are in overall good health and have realistic expectations about the outcomes of surgery.
Ultimately, the decision to undergo knee replacement surgery should be made in consultation with an orthopedic surgeon after thorough evaluation and consideration of individual circumstances and goals.

What happens during knee replacement surgery?

During knee replacement surgery, several key steps are followed:
1. Incision: A cut is made over the knee to access the joint.
2. Bone Preparation: Damaged cartilage and bone are removed from the ends of the femur (thigh bone) and tibia (shin bone).
3. Implant Placement: Metal or plastic components are secured to recreate the joint surfaces.
4. Patella Resurfacing: If needed, the undersurface of the kneecap (patella) may be replaced or resurfaced.
5. Closure: The surgical site is typically closed using either stitches or staples after knee replacement surgery.
6. Recovery: Post-operative care includes pain management, physical therapy, and monitoring for complications like infection or blood clots.
Knee replacement surgery aims to relieve pain and restore function in the knee joint affected by arthritis or injury.

What are the advantages of Knee replacement surgery?

Knee replacement surgery offers several advantages:

1. Pain Relief: Reduces chronic knee pain and discomfort.

2. Improved Mobility: Restores joint function and mobility.

3. Enhanced Quality of Life: Allows for a more active and fulfilling lifestyle.

4. Correction of Deformities: Corrects joint deformities, improving alignment.

5. Longevity: Offers long-term relief with modern implant materials.

6. Better Sleep: Eases nighttime pain, promoting better sleep.

7. Minimal Recovery: Generally, a quick recovery and return to normal activities.

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Treatment For Knee Replacement

Treatment for knee replacement involves a comprehensive approach to ensure successful recovery and restored mobility:

  1. Surgical Procedure: Expertly performed knee replacement surgery involves removing damaged cartilage and bone, and replacing it with artificial implants to recreate the joint surfaces.
  2. Post-operative Care: Immediately after surgery, patients receive pain management and monitoring for complications. Physical therapy begins early to regain strength and mobility in the knee joint.
  3. Rehabilitation: Tailored rehabilitation programs focus on exercises to improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, and support recovery of knee function.
  4. Lifestyle Adjustments: Educating patients on post-operative precautions, including activity modification and weight management, helps prolong the lifespan of the knee replacement.
  5. Long-term Monitoring: Regular follow-up appointments with the orthopedic surgeon ensure ongoing evaluation of the knee’s function and overall health.


For those in need of best knee replacement surgery in Chennai offers an unparalleled combination of expert surgeons, advanced medical facilities, and comprehensive care. The best in orthopedic surgery, ensuring that patients receive the highest standard of treatment. Choosing Chennai for your knee replacement surgery means opting for excellence, innovation, and a commitment to your well-being.

Read also Hip Pain Treatment in Chennai.

Frequently Asked Questions

The type of knee replacement surgery that is best for a patient will depend on their individual condition and circumstances. There are several types of knee replacement surgery, including:

  • Total Knee Replacement.
  • Partial Knee Replacement.
  • Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement.
  • Computer-assisted Knee Replacement.

The newest procedure for knee replacement is often referred to as “minimally invasive knee replacement” or “MIS knee replacement”. The goal of this procedure is to minimize damage to the surrounding tissues and muscle and to accelerate the healing process. The procedure typically involves smaller incisions and the use of specialized instruments and implants to reduce the invasiveness of the surgery.

There is no one “best age” for knee replacement surgery as the decision to undergo knee replacement is based on the patient’s individual circumstances and the severity of their knee condition. Knee replacement surgery is typically recommended for patients who have severe knee pain and disability that has not responded to conservative treatments such as medication, physical therapy, or weight loss.

The cost of knee replacement surgery in Tamil Nadu can vary widely depending on factors such as the hospital, the surgeon’s fees, the type of implant used, and the patient’s individual needs. On average, the cost of surgery for knee replacement in Chennai can range from Rs. 2.5 lakhs to Rs. 6 lakhs.

The lifespan of a knee replacement in Chennai varies depending on various factors such as the type of implant, the patient’s activity level, weight, and overall health. On average, a knee replacement can last between 10 to 20 years. Regular follow-up appointments with a doctor and a healthy lifestyle can help to extend the lifespan of the implant.

Like any surgery, knee replacement in Chennai carries some risk. However, with modern surgical techniques and advanced technology, knee replacement is generally considered a safe and effective procedure. The risk of complications such as infection, blood clots, and nerve damage can be minimized by following proper preoperative and postoperative care instructions.