Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint Replacement Surgery in chennai

What Does Joint Replacement Surgery Mean?

Joint replacement is done to remove the damaged or diseased parts of the joint by replacing them with artificial devices or man-made parts. Mostly hips and knees are replaced in joint replacement surgery.

Others include the replacement of the fingers, ankles, elbows, shoulders, etc. At Bharath Orthopaedics, we use the most advanced techniques especially in joint replacement surgery in Chennai to help you relieve the pain and discomfort to restore to a normal life.

When Do You Require a Joint Replacement?

1. If the person is aged say above 55 years of age.

2. If you experience pain in your hip after a workout or exercise.

3. If you have stiff joints.

4. If you are unable to perform your routine activities.

joint replacement surgery in chennai | Bharath Orthopaedics

Why Does Pain Develop in Joints?

With age, the Knee ligament surgery tissue that pads our bones becomes slim. Thus, the bones begin scouring against one another or squeezing against nerves and encompassing tissues. This causes joint agony. Falls and wounds before, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis treatment, inactive way of life, way of life propensities, and drugs for specific circumstances all increment the gamble for joint torment.

Benefits of Joint Replacement Surgery in Chennai

  • Pain relief.
  • Peaceful sleep.
  • Increased movements in the joints.
  • Correction of deformity.
  • Sports people can take part in low-impact sports activities.
  • Quality of life is improved.
  • Ability to return to normal life.

What is Arthroplasty?

The meaning of arthroplasty is surgical joint replacement. During the method, your medical services supplier eliminates a harmed joint and replaces it with a counterfeit joint. The fake joint (prosthesis) can be metal, artistic, or rock-solid plastic. The new joint seems to be the normal joint and moves likewise. Specialists can supplant joints in any piece of your body, yet the most widely recognized kinds of arthroplasty are hip replacement and knee replacement.

Procedures Followed

  • Total hip replacement.
  • Revision hip replacement.
  • Knee joint replacement.
  • Shoulder joint replacement.
  • Hip joint replacement.

Total Hip Replacement

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Total hip replacement is used to treat osteoarthritis or degenerative arthritis using a prosthesis to eliminate pain. It is considered one of the most successful and common surgical procedures in orthopaedic surgery.

Procedure of THR

An incision or cut is made to expose the hip joint over the posterior lateral hip. A special instrument called a reamer is used in the acetabulum. The surgeon removes the femur or the thighbone and reams away the socket’s surface which secures in a socket made of polyethylene during the joint replacement surgery in Chennai.

Then, the surgeon uses a metalhead and stem into the thighbone by a press fit or using bone cement. After which, the ball is placed into the cup. So that, a new hip ensures proper stability and mobility. Then the muscles and soft tissues are closed gently.

Revision Hip Replacement

Revision Hip Replacement is a complex procedure that takes too long time and has more complications requiring larger wounds using specialist equipment. It is nothing but a part or all of your previous hip injuries or replacements that need to be revised.

The minor adjustments and massive operations of the joint replacement surgery in Chennai depend on the significant amounts of bone that get replaced.

Knee Joint Replacement

Knee replacement also known as arthroplasty is a surgical procedure done to resurface the knee for a patient’s arthritis or a bad knee injury. It resurfaces the damaged part of the knee exercises to reduce acute knee discomfort.

The Procedure of Knee Joint Replacement

During the joint replacement surgery in Chennai, an incision is made to the damaged part of the knee, and resurfaced with a prosthesis. The prosthesis may be cemented or un-cemented depending on the patient’s requirement. Then the incision is closed using the surgical dressings.

joint replacement surgery

Shoulder Joint Replacement

Shoulder replacement is done to reduce pain and restore mobility in patients with end-stage shoulder arthritis or suffering from severe shoulder fractures.

The Procedure of Shoulder Joint Replacement

The shoulder replacement surgery is done by replacing the damaged humeral head with a metal ball, and the glenoid cavity is replaced with a smooth plastic cup. The prosthesis may be a metal or plastic implant system.

Hip Joint Replacement

Hip joint replacement is done to replace the damaged ball and socket with artificial synthetic parts that mimic the ball and the socket.

The Procedure of Hip Joint Replacement

A cemented prosthesis is attached to the hip pain treatment with bone cement for quicker adhesion. Uncemented joints take a long time to get attached to the bone. Both the prosthesis used have differences regarding recovery. Another option is a muscle-sparing hip replacement to spare cuts through the muscles to reduce pain.

They are commonly performed anterior or posterior based on the location of the incision. Anterior incisions are made in the front of the upper thigh, while posterior incisions are made in the hip’s back.

Are You Healthy For The Operation?

An appropriate orthopaedic evaluation for joint replacement surgery in Chennai is very much necessary by getting treatment from a qualified orthopaedic specialist to share his/her opinion. The orthopaedist will gather information regarding your general health-related problems and then perform physical examinations.

Other tests like X-rays, blood tests, etc. will be done to complete the evaluation. After which, your orthopaedic surgeon will review the results and discuss the details with you to relieve your pain and improve your joint function.

What Determines the Appropriateness of Joint Surgery? 

The appropriateness of joint surgery is determined by several factors, including the patient’s medical history, the severity of joint damage, the presence of symptoms, and the patient’s overall health and lifestyle considerations.

1. Medical History: The patient’s medical history plays a crucial role in determining the appropriateness of joint surgery. Factors such as previous joint surgeries, chronic conditions (such as diabetes or autoimmune diseases), and medications taken can impact the decision for joint surgery.

2. Severity of Joint Damage: The extent of joint damage is a critical factor in deciding whether joint surgery is appropriate. Joint damage can be assessed through imaging studies, such as X-rays or MRI, and clinical evaluations. If the joint damage is severe and affects the patient’s quality of life and ability to perform daily activities, joint surgery may be considered.

3. Presence of Symptoms: Symptoms such as pain, swelling, stiffness, and limited range of motion are important considerations in determining the appropriateness of joint replacement surgery in Chennai. When conservative treatments, such as medications, injections, or physical therapy do not effectively alleviate symptoms, joint surgery may be considered as a potential recommendation.

4. Overall Health: The patient’s overall health status, including age, body mass index (BMI), and presence of other health conditions, such as heart disease or respiratory problems, are taken into account. These factors can impact the risks and outcomes of joint surgery and are considered in the decision-making process.

5. Lifestyle Considerations: The patient’s lifestyle, including activity level, occupation, and personal preferences, are also considered. Joint surgery may be recommended if it aligns with the patient’s lifestyle goals, such as improving mobility and functionality to maintain an active lifestyle or returning to work.

How is the Need for Joint Surgery Diagnosed? 

The need for joint surgery is typically diagnosed through a combination of medical history, physical examination, imaging studies, and sometimes additional diagnostic tests. Here are some common methods used in diagnosing the need for joint surgery:

1. Medical History: A detailed medical history is obtained, including information on the patient’s symptoms, previous joint injuries or surgeries, medical conditions, and medications. This helps the healthcare provider to understand the patient’s overall health and assess the need for joint surgery.

2. Physical Examination: A physical examination is conducted to evaluate the affected joint(s), including assessing pain, swelling, tenderness, range of motion, and joint stability. The physical examination provides important clues to the underlying joint condition and helps the healthcare provider determine if joint surgery may be necessary.

3. Imaging Studies: Imaging studies, such as X-rays, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), CT (Computed Tomography) scans, or ultrasound, may be ordered to visualize the joint and assess the extent of joint damage. These imaging studies can provide detailed information about the joint structure, bone quality, and soft tissue involvement, helping the healthcare provider determine the need for joint replacement surgery in Chennai.

4. Additional Diagnostic Tests: In some cases, additional diagnostic tests such as blood tests, joint fluid analysis, or bone scans may be ordered to further evaluate the joint condition and determine the appropriate course of treatment, including the need for joint surgery.

5. Clinical Guidelines: Clinical guidelines, which are evidence-based recommendations developed by expert medical organizations, may also be used by healthcare providers to guide their decision-making in determining the need for joint surgery. These guidelines take into consideration factors such as the severity of joint damage, the presence of symptoms, and the patient’s overall health.

Risks of Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint replacement surgery, while generally safe and successful, carries some inherent risks. These include:

  • Infection: Surgical site infections can occur and may necessitate further treatment.
  • Blood Clots: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism are potential complications.
  • Implant Issues: Joint implants may wear out or loosen over time, requiring revision surgery.
  • Nerve or Blood Vessel Damage: In rare cases, nearby structures can be affected during surgery.
  • Pain and Swelling: Some patients experience persistent pain and swelling post-surgery.
  • Anesthesia Risks: Adverse reactions to anesthesia are possible.

Patients should thoroughly discuss potential risks with their healthcare team before undergoing joint replacement surgery.

What joints do orthopedic surgeons replace?

Orthopedic surgeons commonly replace major joints prone to degeneration or injury, including the knee, hip, and shoulder. Knee replacement (arthroplasty) involves replacing damaged knee joint surfaces. Hip replacement surgery addresses damaged hip joints. Shoulder replacement may be performed for severe arthritis or fractures. These procedures aim to relieve pain, improve function, and enhance overall joint mobility for individuals with debilitating joint conditions.

Joint Replacement Surgery Pre-op & Post-op Course

Joint Replacement Surgery Pre-op Course

All procedures require medical clearance by an internist at HSS which must be done within 28 days prior to your surgery date. We’ll arrange both these appointments and an educational class.

We recommend stopping the use of all anti-inflammatory, fish oil supplements, and other blood-thinning medications one week prior to surgery. Your clearance physician will provide suggestions for additional prescription medications.

Joint Replacement Surgery Post-op course

Your hospital stay will typically last 1-2 days. Following your joint replacement surgery in Chennai, you’ll be discharged once therapy clears you. You’ll receive visiting nurse and home physical therapy services. Subsequently, outpatient physical therapy will be scheduled. Your first follow-up will occur six weeks after surgery.

On average, return-to-work recovery takes about six to eight weeks, varying based on individual progress. Most patients can resume most sports activities approximately twelve weeks post-surgery.

What happens before arthroplasty (joint replacement)?

Before arthroplasty, a thorough assessment is conducted. This includes medical history review, physical examination, and imaging to evaluate joint damage. Patients may need to undergo preoperative medical optimization and lifestyle adjustments. Surgeons discuss the procedure’s risks and benefits, addressing any concerns. Preoperative planning ensures that patients are well-prepared for joint replacement surgery, promoting successful outcomes.

What are the advantages of arthroplasty (joint replacement)?

Arthroplasty, or joint replacement, offers several advantages, including:

1. Pain Relief: It alleviates chronic joint pain.

2. Improved Function: Enhances joint mobility and function.

3. Increased Quality of Life: Restores daily activities and overall quality of life.

4. Long-Term Durability: Prosthetic joints can last for many years.

5. Correction of Deformities: Corrects joint deformities.

6. Enhanced Joint Stability: Reduces joint instability.

However, it also has potential risks and limitations that should be considered.


Joint replacement surgery is a highly effective and safe procedure that can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from chronic joint pain and stiffness. With advancements in technology and surgical techniques, joint replacement surgeries are becoming more precise, less invasive, and offer faster recovery times.

While there are risks associated with any surgical procedure, the benefits of joint replacement surgery often outweigh the potential risks. It is essential to consult with a qualified orthopaedic surgeon to determine if joint replacement surgery is the right option for you. With proper care and rehabilitation, joint replacement surgery can help restore mobility and allow individuals to return to their daily activities with minimal pain and discomfort.

Additional information to help you prepare for Smart Knee Replacement.


Recovery times can vary, but typically patients start walking with assistance within 24 hours. Full recovery can take several weeks to months, depending on individual health and rehabilitation progress. Physical therapy plays a crucial role in restoring mobility and strength post-surgery.

Common risks include infection, blood clots, implant loosening, and nerve damage. Advanced techniques and precautions during surgery minimize these risks, but patients must follow post-operative care instructions closely to prevent complications.

Yes, minimally invasive approaches use smaller incisions, resulting in less tissue damage, quicker recovery, and reduced pain compared to traditional methods. However, not all cases may be suitable for minimally invasive surgery, depending on the complexity of the joint condition and the surgeon’s expertise.

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