Physiotherapy for Knee Pain


The knee joint is more prone to a feeling of tightness or stiffness in the knee as a result of injury, overuse, or age-related wear and tear. The most successful and long-term option to overcome the pain in the knee is knee physiotherapy which has to be done under the guidance of a physical therapist.

The physiotherapy for knee pain improves the knee function and reduces knee pain for a long haul by strengthening the muscles, improving the balance and increasing the range of motion in the knee.

Physiotherapy for Knee Pain

These are the most effective exercises for knee physiotherapy to treat the knee pain in several ways. 

Physiotherapy for Knee Pain | Bharath Orthopaedics

Straight leg raises

Straight leg raises are included in the physiotherapy for knee pain as it improves the strength in your quadriceps supporting the knee health and reducing the knee pain gradually. All you have to do is lie on your back on a yoga mat, bend one of your knees, and keep that same foot anchored to the floor. 

Then straighten the other leg by lifting it up to the same height as the bent knee. Ensure to keep your pelvis still using the abdominal muscles. Your physical therapist or orthopedist may recommend several repetitions for each leg while performing this knee physiotherapy exercise.

Prone straight leg raises

This physiotherapy for knee pain exercise has to be done by rolling over onto your stomach and keeping the legs straight. You have to squeeze your glutes lift one leg up towards the ceiling and hold this position for about 3-5 seconds. 

Do this for 10 repetitions and then switch sides or as many as recommended by your physical therapist.

Physiotherapy for Knee Pain | Bharath Orthopaedics

Wall squats

To do this physiotherapy for knee pain, you can either use an exercise ball or just a wall. During your appointment with your physical therapist, he/she may show you how to do it either way so it’s easier to perform anywhere at home.

You have to stand with your back against a wall using your feet about shoulder-width. Now, bend your knees slowly into a seated position at a 90-degree angle by keeping your entire back pressed firmly against the wall. Hold this position for about 5-10 seconds and then use your glute muscles to work slowly to restore to the original position.

Bridge exercise

You have to lie on the floor by bending both of your knees and by keeping your feet about a hip-width apart for doing this physiotherapy for knee pain. Try to engage your glutes to lift your hips high as much as possible creating a bridge.  

Definitely, you can feel the hamstrings and glutes working. Now, try to lift your toes up while anchoring the heels into the floor. Then gently lower your hips back down briefly. Repeat it as many times as recommended by your orthopaedist or physical therapist.


To perform this knee physiotherapy exercise, you will need to use a staircase with some extra effort. Stand straight on the staircase’ lowest steps or a stepper at a height recommended by your physical therapist. 

You can tighten your abs and level your pelvis, then slowly bend one knee and lower the opposite toes to the floor. Make sure your knees don’t cross your toes and then rise back on the step to the standing position.

To sum up, don’t let knee pain keep you away from living the best life. It is very important to make a personal visit to a physical therapist or orthopedist for a wide range of people to get individualized physiotherapy for knee pain. 

What to Expect From Physical Therapy for Knee Pain?

Assuming that you are alluded to exercise based physical therapy for knee pain, the underlying visit is critical to guarantee right analysis and appropriate administration. During this visit, your physical therapist will meet with you to assemble data about the historical backdrop of your concern, about the irritating and alleviating factors, and about any past clinical history that might contribute the general issue

Advantages of Working with a Physical Therapist to Resolve Your Knee Pain

It’s vital to visit actually with your actual advisor to get individualized analysis of your knee pain and preparing on the best knee pain exercises for your condition. There are a lot more knee exercises you might find supportive, yet these are by and large great for many individuals with knee pain.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, physiotherapy for knee pain can be an effective treatment. A physiotherapist can assess the underlying cause of the pain and develop an individualized treatment plan that may include exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles around the knee, manual therapy, and other modalities such as ice or heat therapy.

The best therapy for knee pain depends on the underlying cause of the pain. Options may include physiotherapy because physiotherapy for knee pain focuses on strengthening and stretching the muscles around the knee, manual therapy, and other modalities such as ice or heat therapy. In some cases, medications, injections, or surgery may be necessary.

The best physiotherapy for knee pain includes straight leg raises where you have to lie on your back and raise one leg to a 45-degree angle, hold for a few seconds, then slowly lower it down, secondly wall squats, and finally step-ups where you have step onto a platform, then bring the other foot up and tap it on the platform before stepping back down. Repeat on the other leg.